Scientific Research & Evidence


Many patients with varicose veins suffer from itching, but its cause has not been sufficiently explained. In recent years, the role of zinc in maintaining the integrity of skin has been reported, and zinc supplementation has been suggested to be effective in relieving itching.

Varicose veins commonly occur in the lower extremities and can cause pain and discomfort in the affected area. Many patients with varicose veins suffer from itching, but its cause has not been sufficiently explained. In recent years, the role of zinc in maintaining the integrity of skin has been reported, and zinc supplementation has been suggested to be effective in relieving itching. The objective of this study is to elucidate the relationship between itching and serum zinc concentration in patients with varicose veins.,of%20life%20in%20these%20patients

Vitamin A

Studies have found vitamin A can keep the immune system from overacting and causing inflammation.1 Vitamin A is available in two forms: Beta-carotene is a provitamin that converts vitamin A in the body and vitamin A is an antioxidant that protects the body against free radicals. Diets rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A can help to reduce inflammation.,Vitamin%20A,the%20body%20against%20free%20radicals

Vitamin A also has a role as an anti-inflammatory agent. Supplementation with vitamin A has been found to be beneficial in a number of inflammatory conditions.,of%20precancerous%20and%20cancer%20states


In the case of bilberry, studies have found that the extracts positively affect blood flow in various tissues. They also make blood vessels less porous, which could reduce swelling and help with varicose veins.,and%20help%20with%20varicose%20veins

Bilberry is a plant. The dried, ripe fruit and leaves are used to make medicine.Some people use bilberry for conditions of the heart and blood vessels including hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), varicose veins, decreased blood flow in the veins, and chest pain.

Grape Seed

Grape seed extract is a natural remedy often recommended for chronic venous insufficiency. Some proponents of grape seed extract suggest that the antioxidants found in grape seeds can help fight chronic venous insufficiency by strengthening the blood vessels and improving circulation.

In a number of studies, antioxidants known as oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs) found in grape seed extract have been shown to reduce the symptoms associated with varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency such as pain and swelling.


Bioflavonoids have the ability to neutralize reactive oxygen species by donating one of their electrons, thus stabilizing the molecule and breaking the oxidative chain.2 This can result in visible signs of healthy, more vibrant skin. Three of the better-known bioflavonoids, quercetin, hesperidin, and rutin, have intriguing research indicating their abilities to prevent and reverse wrinkles, reduce the appearance of age spots, and fight spider veins.

Quercetin is used for treating conditions of the heart and blood vessels including “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), high cholesterol, heart disease, and circulation problems.


L-taurine, an organic chemical compound from the group of biogenic amino acids. Scientific research has shown that taurine reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Its effects include regulating blood pressure and reducing inflammation in blood vessels, which are a common prevaricate symptom. Taurine influences the regeneration and strengthening of vein endothelium.

Recent animal and human studies have shown that taurine supplementation lowers BP and improves vascular function, possibly through suppression of renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system activity,augmentation of kallikrein activity in the blood and peripheral tissues,suppression of the renal sympathetic nervous system,diuretic and natriuretic activities, and vasorelaxant activity.


Tomatoes are considered one of the best foods when it comes to fighting varicose veins. Tomatoes are naturally enriched with nutrients such as ‘Lycopene’ and the bioflavonoid ‘Anthocyanin’ which promote vascular health. Research has shown lycopene has healing and antioxidant activities and its consumption through the diet can protect the valves against oxidative damage. Lycopene also has a low pH value and it’s slightly acidic nature acts as an anticoagulant, thereby, preventing the clogging and swelling in the vessel walls. On the other hand, as is expected, Anthocyanin has shown a positive association with the overall strength and integrity of the vessel walls.

One of the carotenes tomatoes contain is lycopene, which has been proven to fight cancer and provide protection against acute and potentially longer-term aspects of photodamage. After being ingested, lycopene can be detected in the skin. This suggests that it may also be absorbed through the skin if used topically. There’s a popular remedy that says to place slices of red tomatoes on varicose veins and bandage them into place. They should be left on 3-4 hours at a time, 5 times a day until the veins are no longer visible.


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